Photo from Press Confrence with Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood, Bold Futures, Indigenous Lifeways, ACLU and NM Senators and Representatives.
Almost one week since the overturning of Roe V. Wade and millions have spoken across the country in opposition to the overturning. The overturning of Roe v Wade is an attack on life givers and womb carriers across the U.S. Now more than ever our women and two-spirit relatives need our support to ensure they are able to access the services they rightfully deserve. We trust women & two spirits to make the right choice for their families.
Indigenous people have a traditional reproductive healthcare system that is highly reliant on our oral stories, ceremonies, and herbs. Families take into consideration the health and well-being of the pregnant individual. Self determination and body sovereignty is a birth given right. Due to colonization, boarding school, forced assimilation
For indigenous families, we lack the most access to safe and legal abortion due to our dependence on Indian Health services whom does not receive Federal funding for abortions. After the overturning, indigenous families accessing services will be far more limited and harder to access.
Indigenous Lifeways is devoted to ensuring indigenous voices are at the forefront of the abortion access issues due to the historical gencocode experienced first by the US Government.
Below are recent media coverage of efforts

Click the link below to hear the full episode

"This is a monumental moment," said Krystal Curley from the Indigenous Lifeways collective. "This fight, that the generations before us have continued, that has paved the way for us to have this access, has now been stopped."
Indigenous people seeking abortions already often have to travel for that access. Indian Health Service hospitals provide abortion care only in very limited circumstances, restricted by the Hyde Amendment of 1976 which prevents federal funds being used for most abortions. "Our choices have always been very limited," said Curley.
Click the link below to see more!

“For far too long, Indigenous people have been left out of the reproductive justice conversations and placed on the sidelines. Reproductive justice is within our traditional ways of life. With the passage of the act, we are able to have deeper conversations with our communities about our history and traditional knowledge and bring a larger awareness to reproductive issues that affect Indigenous people.”
Click the link below to see more!

Thank you Indigenous Women Rising and all abortion funds for providing your services. Consider supporting their efforts at the links below. Graphic made by IWR
Indigenous Women Rising
Mariposa Fund
New Mexico Religiours Coalitions for Reproductive Choice